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Our Services

Book Your Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation and Shipment Kit
From $500

Have your placenta made into a daily nutritional supplement rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, stem cells and hormones made by your body, for your body, specifically. Each placenta contains naturally produced supplements as well as hormones that support your postpartum recovery, milk production, healing and more. Naturally occurring elements within the placenta that especially promote healing include Cortisone, Human Growth Hormones and Stem Cells. Women using placenta pills report increased milk production, no “baby blues,” lots of energy and feel an overall “bounce-back” to pre-baby body more quickly. Each placenta on average produces 160-180 pills*

Click Here to Book Your Placenta Encapsulation

Celebrity Clientele

For those wanting to have Juliane fly to your location and do the encapsulation in a place of your choosing, please contact us for details.